While many of us physically attend High Holiday services each year, how many of us feel spiritually prepared and inspired? The forty-day span preceding Yom Kippur is the holiest time on the Jewish calendar, precisely because it was designed to help us find meaning, inspiration, and purpose. What kind of person do we want to be and how can we feel more connected in the coming year? Written in an approachable, uplifting, and accessible style, The 40 Day Challenge is an invitation for people who believe there is more to life than the daily grind. It offers the reader easily digestible and compact Jewish wisdom, each day for the 40 days from Rosh Chodesh Elul leading up to Yom Kippur. Each daily reading is followed by a challenge question so it can serve as a spiritual diary as you approach the High Holidays. This year, instead of just “showing up,” prepare yourself with a Torah insight written by MJE Founder Rabbi Mark Wildes, who has spent his life inspiring Jews from all walks of life. “The 40 Day Challenge” will help you use this special time, and really every day of the year, to better connect to the people around you, make a positive and impactful change in the world, become the very best version of yourself, and connect to God at a time when He is closest.
Are you ready for the 40 Day Challenge?
להמשך קריאה

הטבעה על ספר בעלות 12 ₪ לשורה לספר בודד
*ברכישת סט יש להזין את מספר הכרכים הקיימים בסט.
*ברכישת ספר בודד - יש לרשום 1.
להטבעה על כמות גבוהה בעלות 160 ₪,
יש ליצור קשר במס' Whatsapp: 97226337040+



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חוות דעת

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היה הראשון לכתוב סקירה “THE 40 DAY CHALLENGE”

האימייל לא יוצג באתר. שדות החובה מסומנים *

ספרים נוספים של המחבר

ספרים שאולי יעניינו אותך

בדיקת מלאי סניפים

לבדיקת מלאי בסניף יש ללחוץ על העיר בה הסניף המבוקש


המלאי הוא על פי הרשום במערכת. ייתכנו אי דיוקים קלים.

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