Reimagining Repentance is unique in its attempt to bridge Torah content on the High Holidays with modern psychological theory about change. The book reviews the major themes of each part of the High Holidays and explores psychological principles related to each theme. The text contains clinical anecdotes weaved with Torah ideas and will be both a meaningful and enjoyable read for anyone wishing for a psychological perspective on the High Holidays. Excerpts from theoretical sessions with patients seeking help with drug or alcohol use disorders make the book more relatable and highlight the intersection between addiction treatment and Jewish philosophy. Reimagining Repentance shows that the messages and rituals of the High Holidays are the behaviors and ideas needed to create personal spiritual growth. The first chapter of the book provides a summary of the various psychological therapeutic approaches that will be discussed in the book. The following chapters each contain a concept from modern psychological principles, reflected in the ancient wisdom of the traditions of the day. Through Slichot we discover the concept of “self as context,” or allowing ourselves to connect with the part of ourselves that is unchanging regardless of our experiences. The shofar will teach us to relate to our negative thoughts in a new way. We will learn to accept negative emotions through the viduy or “confession” of Yom Kippur. Finally, on Succot we will experience the value of mindful, goal-oriented action. A must-read to enhance the High Holiday season! “In Reimagining Repentance, my dear student, Rabbi Dr. Matisyahu Shulman, has presented a unique approach to the Jewish High Holidays. He has combined classical Jewish thought, culled from such great Jewish thinkers like Maimonides, the Alter Rebbe of Lubavitch, the Shem Mi-Shmuel, and Rav Kook, with modern psychological ideas, approaches, and tools as found in ACT therapy, to give a new and refreshing look into the annual Jewish peri
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הטבעה על ספר בעלות 12 ₪ לשורה לספר בודד
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*ברכישת ספר בודד - יש לרשום 1.
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היה הראשון לכתוב סקירה “REIMAGINING REPENTANCE”

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