In the Jewish calendar, every month has its own special halachos to fulfill. With the limited time that I have, how can I keep on top of it and know what I need to know?
Around the Year in Halachah provides a clear, concise, and thorough guide to the seasonal halachos. Based on all major Poskim down to modern times, it informs while still fitting into todays busy schedule. It is written in an easy-to-read format, suitable for the entire family men and women, young and old yet comprehensive and fully-sourced for talmidei chachamim as well.
About the author:
Rabbi Bezalel Rosenthal was born and raised in Gateshead, England, attending local yeshivos before joining the Mirrer Yeshiva of Yerushalayim in 2003. Besides following the yeshivah schedule and learning Gemara with bekiyus and iyun, he also acquired expertise in practical halachah. He has been a shoel umeishiv in the yeshivah for six years, during which time he began giving a halachah shiur to bachurim. These popular shiurim were later transcribed and distributed to wide acclaim, and became the basis for Around the Year in Halachah. Rabbi Rosenthal currently lives in Ramat Bet Shemesh Alef with his wife and their five children.
חוות דעת
אין עדיין חוות דעת.