מק"ט: 4701451 קטגוריות: , , ,
In his brilliant analysis of Vayikra, the Alshich uses every available method of understanding the Torah. His unique commentary sheds light on even the most cryptic passages. The Alshich poses questions that perplex the intelligent reader of the Torah and then offers in-depth analyses and original interpretations of the text. Time and again, he points out how seemingly haphazard sentence structures are rife with nuances that are pivotal to our understanding of the Torah’s text. The Alshich’s explanations demonstrate the Divine nature of the Written Torah and show us how the Oral Torah and its teachings are implicit in the wording of the Torah itself.

He poses such diverse questions as:

What is the connection between Adam HaRishon, the Akeidah, and Yom Kippur?
To which korbanos can the tzaddik and the baal teshuvah be compared, and why?
Our Sages give many reasons for the deaths of Nadav and Avihu. How could they give these reasons when the Torahsays specifically that they died because they brought an unauthorized fire before Hashem?
Chazal said that the Jewish People would be subject to four exiles. Where is there any reference to them in the verses of Vayikra?

These questions as well as hundreds of others are answered as the Alshich applies his encyclopedic knowledge and depth of thought to the Torahverses in this unique and enlightening commentary on Sefer Vayikra.

“Having read portions of the manuscript, I can see that the writers and editors have achieved an exceptional endeavour of not simply translating the Hebrew into pleasing English, but also of explaining and elucidating it at the same time. They have opened up what has until now been a closed commentary to the English-speaking public.”

Dayan Menachem Gelley, Rosh London Beis Din / Rav of Beis HaMedrash Ohr Chodosh
להמשך קריאה

הטבעה על ספר בעלות 12 ₪ לשורה לספר בודד
*ברכישת סט יש להזין את מספר הכרכים הקיימים בסט.
*ברכישת ספר בודד - יש לרשום 1.
להטבעה על כמות גבוהה בעלות 160 ₪,
יש ליצור קשר במס' Whatsapp: 97226337040+



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היה הראשון לכתוב סקירה “ALSHICH ON THE TORAH VAYIKRA”

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