מק"ט: 4701328 קטגוריות: ,
After the dreadful attacks of October 7, 2023, Israel and the Jewish people went to war on three fronts. While the army fights the war of bodies, and government officials and journalists wage the war of minds, every Jew on earth is a soldier in our war for wellness.

We’re all combating fear, distraction, and stress. We’re all looking for meaning inside the madness.

If we don’t invest in the war for wellness, we might lose the health, resilience, and faith we need for fighting the other wars. We can get obsessed with what’s happening “over there,” forgetting that our lives are happening right here. As individuals and as a nation, we might fall into anxiety and depression, or lash out irresponsibly in anger.

More than ever before, Israel needs Jewish people who value and love their land.

Even after the guns go quiet — hopefully soon — the war for wellness will continue as our emotional and spiritual wounds slowly heal. Although our bodies will again be safe and secure, our disturbed souls will yearn for peace and balance. We’ll wonder why we must suffer to live in this little corner of the Middle East. We might even ask if it’s worth all the trouble.

Land of Health teaches how to win your personal war for wellness:

· Part One shows how the Land of Israel is the healthy body of the Nation of Israel, and appreciating it holds the solution to our crisis.

· Part Two shares practical strategies for healthy living in challenging times. We’ll cover all areas of life: eating, exercise, emotional health, and, of course, spirituality and faith.

Throughout the book, dozens of full-color pictures, many taken over the past year, portray the beauty and spirit of the Land of Israel even during the most trying times.
להמשך קריאה
הטבעה על ספר בעלות 12 ₪ לשורה לספר בודד
*ברכישת סט יש להזין את מספר הכרכים הקיימים בסט.
*ברכישת ספר בודד - יש לרשום 1.
להטבעה על כמות גבוהה בעלות 160 ₪,
יש ליצור קשר במס' Whatsapp: 97226337040+



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היה הראשון לכתוב סקירה “LAND OF HEALTH”

האימייל לא יוצג באתר. שדות החובה מסומנים *

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ספרים שאולי יעניינו אותך

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לבדיקת מלאי בסניף יש ללחוץ על העיר בה הסניף המבוקש


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